Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear Blog,

Because I have only recently started my blog, I have come across many questions...Why are you starting a blog? What is a blog? and many more from my fellow inhabitants of lane 6 at the FAU pool. So ladies I am now going to attack those questions on this post :) I am starting this blog so that my family can have a little look into my life on day to day activities, I am also starting this to be able to look back at it in.... well when ever I want and rem anise on ummm... well life! What is a blog? Well the one I am doing is basically like an online diary... but I am sharing it with people. There will be no obsessing over boys, like many of our first grade diaries went. (I am not promising no mention of guys :p) but there you go my little bit of reasoning to this craziness in my life!
When you are thinking about things to blog about in a day you realize that the day gets to be pretty adventurous! My day went from the average Monday, to one of the best Mondays I have ever had. It began as usual waking up at 5:40 to go take my tri-weekly morning dip, then I had to get hopefully the last of the xrays of my fractured foot taken... and the results were great!! :) The day seemed to be going good, then I went to dunkin doughnuts to reward myself for being attentive in my finance class, and actually understanding! After waiting in line for 15 min... this old lady with the worst makeup I have ever seen in my like... I am talking eyeliner halfway down her cheek and bright fuchsia lipstick that was on her teeth, and hair that was sticking up to the ceiling (obviously in need of her daily coffee) decided that it was OK to cut in line directly in front of me... NOT OK!! I got into an argument(maybe because I was so hungry from practice/a stimulating finance class or maybe because she was the most rude lady I have ever met) this argument escalated into me mentally putting my fingers in my ears and thinking lalalala. After a traumatizing experience at the coffee shop I decided to come home and do a little light packing and a LOT of heavy cleaning. The efforts were actually a success, but I still have a wanted sign out on my purple shirt that I love, but I found everything else that had seemed to find its way to the bottom of the heaps that were on my floor! That adventure of the jungle room came to a close as the practice chapter of my life opened yet again for the day. It seemed as though it was going to be one of those average boring Monday practices, but it turned out to be really fun! All I could talk about at practice today was this little blog, I have yet to reveal the address to everyone but my mom (mostly because I am afraid that people will think its dorky when I love it) but my amigas are all really excited to read it :p tomorrow is the big day so I am going to have to have a really eventful account of tomorrow so it can fulfill every ones expectations. Well my homework is calling...
Big E